Pool drop with big boulders + flat long scenic canyons
Scouting / Portaging
Some tricky scouting in spots, portaging very tricky on one or two rapids.
3.5 - 5 hours (add 1.5-2 hours if doing the full 40km)
When to Go
35.946cms (Feb 6 02:05)
This section was contributed by Claudia Schwab from her Book, updated July 2024 by Dave Wortley.
The run is almost entirely on the land of Bridge River First Nation (Xwisten), we are guest upon their land and rivers and you are expected to be respectful of their rights.
To paddle here you must request access, this can be done easily by calling the Bridge River First Nation (Xwisten) and asking to speak to the Lands Manager. (http://www.xwisten.ca, 250-256-7423).
Please do so a few days before you paddle to give them time to call you back if necessary.
This is because there are various places in the river where there is fish study equipment in the river which are potentially hazards, they want us to know about them (they are roughly marked on the map) and remind us they are not liable for paddlers on their river. There are also times when the flow out of the dam will be fluctuated for fish and it's good and polite to chat and make sure there are no issues with the road or fires.
The community will be notified you are paddling there and at the take-out there is the Bear Foot Grill, if it's open please patronize them and support the local community. Sadly it wasn't open when we visited.
It is worth knowing and understanding some of the history of this valley, the Seton Lake / Downton Lake / Carpenter Lake / Mission Dam complex was constructed before it was necessary to have an environmental impact assessment, a beautiful valley was flooded, communities displaced and the whole landscape was changed forever for the benefit of people who do not live there.
Most of the water from the Upper Bridge River area is diverted over to Seton lake through a tunnel, and unfortunately the Salmon get confused and are unable to find their way home to the Bridge river. Various steps have been taken to improve this have been done since, the spawning channel on Seton River and the canal which helps mix some Cayoosh river flows out with the dam to disguise the scent of the Bridge. For a long time the Bridge River below Mission/Terzaghi Dam would be completely dry for the first 5km but now appears to have a low base flow at certain times of year.
The complex of reservoirs, penstocks and canals for the Seton Powerhouse
In the above diagram, most water coming from Downton Reservoir through to Carpenter Reservoir is diverted to Seton lake through 2 large Penstocks eventually being released into the Fraser River 5km downstream of the Bridge River below Lillooet at Seton Powerhouse. The Purple dot is the Bridge River Put-on below the Dam, the Green Dot is the put-on at Yalakom and the red dot is the take out at Bridge River Confluence with the Fraser River.
Scenery: Excellent, steep canyon walls, hoodoos, jade boulders, dry sagebrush country, stunning assortment of wildlife in a very remote feeling river.
Length of Run: 25 km
Length of Shuttle (one way): 25 km
Special Considerations: This is a very long and remote run. For most of the run it is impossible or very difficult to get out off the canyon. Since the river rarely floods, logs don’t get cleared out. Watch for wood. The entire run is on land of the Bridge River First Nation (Xwisten). Make sure you respect property rights.
This is also Grizzly (and Black) Bear country and you almost certainly see a bear on your trip.
Directions: Make your way to Lillooet. Drive north through town and follow the signs to Gold Bridge and Seton Portage for about 6 km until the road crosses the Bridge River. Just before is a pull-out we parked in near the Grill.
We took out on river-right at the Grill where there was a rough trail up from the river and nobody around.
To the put-in continue on Bridge River Rd. towards Gold Bridge. You can get a glimpse of “Cranes Ledges” from a dirt track loop at about 15.5 km (N50 49.239 W122 05.219), and a full scenic view of the Coliseum at 21.5 km. The road drops down to Yalakom River after 25 km. The put-in is on the downstream, left side of the bridge. Make sure you don’t block traffic or private driveways here when you park.
The confluence of the Bridge and Yalakom Rivers
Description: The previous beta for flow was.... "Since most of Bridge River flows are diverted into Seton Lake, Yalakom River contributes the majority of the water." However there has been some changes to the capacity of the dam and discharges for fish habitat restoration and spawning and there is now a little bit of flow. Yalakom Creek contributes the rest of the flow and will have more water, with a combined flow of 18cm/s the river was runnable at what felt like a nice low flow. It has been run as low as 9cm/s but I imagine at 13cm/s would start to get very scrapy in a few places, Yalakom rarely gets high so with a compensatory flow from the Dam the Bridge River should be in for a few weeks a year. If the combined river flow is above 25cm/s some parts start to get a little demanding, lots of the river has boxed in drops so at high flows it could get challenging. There has been scheduled releases of higher flows in the past which makes the entire run 'exciting boogie' rapids with one crux section.
The flow of the gauge at the top of this guide is the combined flow of the TRZ dam outflow and Yalakom Creek.
The normal run starts with a short boulder garden on Yalakom River. Below the confluence with the Bridge more boulder gardens follow, including a nice 2-3 ft ledge. The first drop requiring serious scouting is located at the entrance of the coliseum (although this entrance may not be so obvious from river level and currently has a large piece of wood across it).
We usually avoid the mess of boulders and wood by sneaking the drop through a shallow bushy side channel on the right but it is prone to collecting logs.
Looking upstream at the entrance to Coliseum
A gravel road on river left leads to the east rim of the coliseum. Another noteworthy drop is encountered where the river leaves the coliseum (N50 51.464 W122 09.371). “Jade” consists of several ledges above a house rock. Scout on the right. The most commonly run channel is right of this house rock.
The Coliseum Rapid in the Horseshoe Bend
At medium and high levels watch out for a sticky hole that forms next to the rock. Beware also of the undercut boulder on the right shore just below the house rock. Soon the rapids become easier. At kilometer 7 a bridge crosses the river at Camoo Creek.
The Bridge at Camoo Creek
The canyon narrows again and after about 2.5 km and several easier drops you will approach a significant horizon line, the entrance to “Crane’s Ledges” (N50 49.043 W122 05.041). This rapid consists of several ledges and a big “stopper” boulder at the bottom. Scout and if necessary portage on the left.
Below “Crane’s” follow a few other attention demanding drops before the river mellows again. After several kilometers things get interesting again when VW bus sized boulders form a maze on the river. The rapids get progressively harder until you reach “Hard Hat Drop” shortly after a power line crosses the river. It is best scouted from the left but unfortunately best portaged on the right. The customary line is down the narrow slot on the left. Make sure you check the entire line for wood. One party had to deal with what appeared to be a foot bridge at kayaker’s head-height. After “Hard Hat” follow more drops through enormous conglomerate boulders. Enjoy the last kilometer or so through almost vertical-walled canyon before the take-out bridge comes into sight.
Just after the Horseshoe bend is are some wires across the river which would be problematic at high water.
This old bridge towards the middle of the run may be a problem one day.
A small Archimedes screw operating a fish monitoring station.
Camping and Food: Load up on all you need in Lillooet where you will also find an official campground. There are several spots to camp along Bridge River Rd. Please respect private property, and ask the Lands Manager about where you should be ok to camp.
Non-paddling Activities: Check out the massive Bridge River Rapids on the Fraser. Old beta "Follow a foot trail on the north side of the take-out bridge upstream on the Fraser." It may be now that you can only access this area if you are on a tour with Xwisten, to be confirmed.
The museum in Lillooet is worth a visit – if it is closed, stop and have a look at the gigantic jade blocks in front of it. Check out the “Mile Zero” marker. It indicates mile 0 for the numbering of the mile houses along the Cariboo Wagon Road from the olden Gold Rush times. Drive past the put-in through a stunning canyon to the dam that diverts most of the Bridge River water and forms Carpenter Lake. There is also great (and strenuous) cross country mountain biking up the Yalakom Valley (Shulap Traverse, 9-Mile-Ridge and more).